Material Introductorio 2014

Nuestro pensador sistémico, José Luis Roces, nos ha proporcionado el siguiente material de su libro "Desarrollando Líderes" para las lecturas previas a este curso 2014:


A Systemic View of Transformational Leadership

By Russell L. Ackoff

Systemic Practice and Action Research, (1998), 11(1), 23-36

What do systems thinkers think about leadership? Russell Ackoff provides his response, and goes further to describe "transformational" leadership. Important distinctions are drawn between the concepts of leadership and transformation, efficiency and effectiveness, growth and development. Ackoff discusses four types of systems and emphasizes that leaders must understand the particular nature of their system in order to achieve transformation.

To read this article, click on the link: A Systemic View of Transformational Leadership., or download it from the list at the end of this page.

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Algunas definiciones de "Liderizar":


Video del Dr. José Luis Roces, abordando el tema del Liderazgo:

Vídeo de YouTube


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